Learn to Design a Container
Container is a collection which help us to store data of different types of data structure.
There are only two types of container in C++/C :
- array
- structure
C++ could provide more container but it didn’t.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime; knowledge is the best charity;
Here we are gona to design a container which is like array but not the same.
You could find the implementation of this container on my github.
You could test out container by this program.
You could also see the output beblow there:
Photo by Jason Leaster in ChangDe, China
作者: Jason Leaster
来源: http://jasonleaster.github.io
链接: http://jasonleaster.github.io/2015/05/25/learn-to-design-a-container/
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